This local chapter is located in/near Vancouver, BC.
To contact/join this chapter, please see the contact info on the left.
When: March 20, 2019 at 4:00 pm
Where: Boathouse Restaurant, Kitsilano Beach, Vancouver, BC [ map ]
Topic: Discuss the mission, vision, and goals of this BFA Chapter, and lay out a road map for Chapter BC
1. Determine meeting schedule moving forward
2. April Presentation to a group in North Vancouver could yield members
3. Membership Drive:
.1 Approach Dieticians' Association for possible members
.2 Local Organic Garden Group presentation May 2019
.3 School Gardens - student presentation, teaching how to install and maintain a garden using Lasagna Gardening method. I’m checking with local school boards for opportunities
4. Discuss sharing leadership with others in future
5. Bionutrient Meter - planning how we can help educate and prepare the public, agencies, farmers and food outlets
6. Discussion: permaculture, regenerative farming, organic no-till, a gentle kind way to a better future for our Planet Earth
Next Meeting: April 17, 2019
Time and place TBA.