Soil & Nutrition Conference
When: Weekly on Thursdays @ 3pm ET, February - September, 2021
Where: Online
The 10th Annual (and 1st Virtual!) Soil & Nutrition Conference explores how the intersection of farm and human ecosystems holds the key to environmental sustainability, quality food and overall well-being. Bringing together the collective knowledge of the food movement from the perspectives of successful farmers, cutting-edge researchers, enlightening health practitioners, and pioneers of food quality, this conference is a nexus of information and networking for all interested in delving deeper into the connections and importance of soil and nutrition.
For our tenth anniversary, we have reimagined our annual conference and transformed our traditional multi-day intensive into an online series of weekly webinars offered over the course of eight months. Our speakers will present each Thursday from 3:00-4:30pm ET, beginning with our opening ceremony on February 4 and continuing weekly into September.. Over 30 workshops over eight months in four tracks – Agronomy, Nutrition, Mycelial Culture, and the Bionutrient Institute – all on one ticket.
Don't miss out! Learn more
Online with Dan Kittredge
When: Thursday, December 17, 2020 at 3 PM EST
Where: Online on Zoom and Facebook Live
FREE and open to all!
As winter settles into the northern hemisphere, this month's topics will address supplies to consider for the next growing season: Potting soil, irrigation, fertigation, foliar infrastructure. Cover crop seeds and other critical components to have on hand will all be covered by BFA Founder and Executive Director, Dan Kittredge.
Join Dan as he provides tips relevant to the season and answers your questions live - from the lens of biological growing. Dan will also provide updates on the Bionutrient Meter and the Bionutrient Institute!
This special hour plus together is a tremendous opportunity to hear from Dan and to have him answer your pressing questions.
For anyone who has a desire to understand how nature works -- and how to work more well with nature -- this is a wonderful opportunity to be with like-minded learners and a leading teacher in the field of growing for health and nutrient density. Relevant to growers of all scales, anywhere in the world. No previous course attendance is required. Come be part of this lively gathering!
Online at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83362672953
Online with Dan Kittredge
When: Thursday, November 19, 2020 at 3 PM EST
Where: Online
Free and open to everyone! Join BFA Founder and Executive Director, Dan Kittredge as he provides tips relevant to the season and biological growing -- bring your questions! If you're one of the thousands of people who have learned from Dan’s two day Principles of Biological Systems course, now is the time to get a refresher and dig deeper. For anyone who has a desire to understand how nature works and how to work more well with nature this is a wonderful opportunity to be with like-minded learners. Relevant to growers of all scales. No previous course attendance is required. This will be an online event at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83362672953
Workshop: Principles of Biological Systems with Dan Kittredge
When: Tuesday & Wednesday, October 27 & 28, 2020
Where: ** Online and in-person ** at Fox Haven Farm, 3630 Poffenberger Road, Jefferson, MD
Learn how a renewed focus on the food qualities that industrial agriculture forgot - flavor & nutrition - can transform our food system to better serve people and the environment, and taste better too! Taught by Dan Kittredge, this two-day course is designed for farmers, growers, and gardeners of any type, and provide an overview of the principles and practices of biological farming. Exploring current research and proven methods, build upon your knowledge and experience, and go step-by-step through the processes that will increase the vitality of your soil and crops for greater yields, better marketability, tastier and more nutrient-dense produce.
** Scholarships are available! ** For those in need of financial support, Community FARE in Frederick County is pleased to offer a limited number of scholarships to help defray the cost of attending this workshop.
Learn more
Soil Health Field Day at Red Shirt Farm
When: Tuesday, October 13, 2020 - 7:00pm to 8:30pm
Where: Online
Join us for a virtual tour of Red Shirt Farm in Lanesboro, MA to learn from farm manager Jim Schultz and guest presenter Dan Kittredge of the Bionutrient Food Association to learn how their no-till farming practices are improving soil health and the nutritional density of their produce. We will have video clips of Red Shirt Farm that show Jim discussing certain aspects of the farm, including: BCS tillage reduction equipment set up and systems, Johnson-Su Bioreactor, and permanent bed systems. Jim will give a demonstration of his BCS-powered transferred mulch system, including mower, rake and mini-baler. This system is used to convert cover crops to mulch that can be used elsewhere on the farm. Dan will talk about the results of the Bionutrient Institute work so far and how they are collecting data to link the value of healthy soils and nutritious food to overall human health. Dan will share his insight into how management practices affect nutrient density in crops. We will show how the Bionutrient Meter can be used in the field to assess the crops in real time. Register and learn more
Growing Real Food for Nutrition: Measuring nutrient density to improve citizen and planetary health
When: Monday, October 5, 2020
Where: Online
Hosted by international public health and nutrition specialist Elizabeth Westaway and colleagues, this webinar will discuss the importance of growing and eating nutrient dense food, introduce how to measure and increase nutrient density, and showcase different organisations/projects that are currently working on nutrient density to restore soil health, and improve nutrition for better citizen and planetary health. Join Dan Kittredge (BFA), Sue Pritchard (Food, Farming and Countryside Commission), Matthew Adams (Deep Ecologist, Environmental Manager), Patrick Holden (Sustainable Food Trust), and colleagues in a lively discussion about how we can collaborate with nature and become an integral part of a healthy ecosystem. Learn more
OAK Conference - Louisville, KY
Soil Health U - Salina, KS
NOFA/Mass Winter Conference - Worcester, MA
The 9th Annual Soil & Nutrition Conference
When: Nov 14-17, 2019
Where: Southbridge Hotel & Conference Center, Southbridge, MA
Pathways to Regeneration: Soil, Food, and Plant Medicine
When: November 1-3, 2019
Where: Yellow Springs, OH
Dan Kittredge will presenting the Keynote address at the Pathways to Regeneration: Soil, Food, and Plant Medicine Conference. Join us and other leading activists and researchers involved in the all-important work of regeneration. Together we will revisit the wisdom of indigenous cultures and their use of healing plants, learn about the rising medical cannabis industry, discover the potential of real, whole food to alter the course of chronic disease, and how we can work with nature to nurture the web of life in our soil and water. Speakers will share current research in these fields and introduce attendees to tangible ways to restore physical, emotional, cognitive and spiritual health to our families and communities. Hosted by Agraria, the center for research and education about regenerative land use that supports the expansion of our regional food system and serves as a platform for building community resilience. Learn more
Bio-Char: A Bridge From Fossil Fuel to Renewable Energy, Healthy Soil & a Better Climate
When: October 26 & 27, 2019 - Saturday 9am-4pm & Sunday 9am-12pm
Where: Far Valley Farm, Amesville, OH
A two day intensive course on the production and use of bio-char for fuel and soil amending. From simple backyard production to high-tech machinery. Instructors Dale Hendricks, Gary Gilmore, and Mark Cohen will demonstrate machinery, including the BioGen electricity generator, small engine machinery running solely on biochar, and the production and concepts of soil amendments and carbon sequestration.
Interactive discussions and demonstrations to include:
- Ecological sourcing of raw materials for making biochar
- Gasification: Tractors, generators and internal combustion engines
- Space heating and cooling, hot water and cook stoves
- Combined heating and power biochar (CHPB)
- Uses in animal agriculture, soil health, and carbon sequestration
- Filtration and sanitation
$75 per person - for reservations and directions, email or text Mark Cohen at markd.cohen@frontier.com / 740-707-8161
Includes Morning Coffee & Lunch on Saturday
Saturday Night Biochar Grill & Mixer (BYO food for the grill)
Limited overnight accomodations available in our onsite Guest House - for reservations, please call Charlotte at 740-448-7352
Regenerative Food Systems Investment (RFSI) Forum
When: September 30 & October 1, 2019
Where: Oakland, CA
The Regenerative Food Systems Investment (RFSI) Forum is a first of its kind event that brings together investors and critical stakeholders to increase capital investment in this space. Dan Kittredge will speaking and moderating a panel at this unique convergence of investors and thought-leaders in the regenerative agriculture and food space. The goal here is to facilitate education about investment in regenerative agriculture and food, as well as build relationships and networks that will further the development of this investment opportunity and lead to increased deal activity. Learn more
Agronomy Conference Call
When: July 8, 2019 from 8:00-9:00pm EDT
The next Agronomy Conference Call with staff agronomist David Forster will be held at 8:00-9:00pm EDT on Monday, July 8. This call is free and all are welcome - membership not required.
Please add questions to the Agronomy Questions Forum ahead of time to make sure we get to yours.
Conference Call Dial-in Info:
Phone Number: 1-302-202-1118 >> Conference code: 910076
Workshop: Principles of Biological Systems
When: May 11 & 12, 2019
Where: Athens, OH - Location TBA
This two-day workshop is designed to teach the basic principles and practices of biological farming for higher quality crops – for better taste, pest & disease resilience, and shelf life, plus higher levels of nutrients beneficial to human health. Learn more and register
Introduction to Bionutrient Food Association - a talk with Dan Kittredge
When: May 10, 2019 at 6:00pm
Where: Agraria / Communtiy Solutions @ 131 E Dayton Yellow Springs Rd, Yellow Springs, OH 45387 [ map ]
Join us for an informative potluck gathering with Bionutrient Food Association (BFA) founder and Executive Director, Dan Kittredge. Dan will talk about the founding of the BFA as well as the Bionutrient Meter, focusing on plant health, soil health, carbon sequestration, crop nutritional value, flavor and human health with a core mission to increase quality in the food supply. Hosted by Arthur Morgan Institute for Community Solutions. Free and welcome to all!
Healthy Home Gardens - a talk with Dan Kittredge
When: May 8, 2019 at 7:00pm
Where: Windsor, CT @ the Town Hall, 275 Broad St, Windsor, CT 06095 [ map ]
Drawing on the principles of biological farming, this talk will be an overview for home gardeners to earn what what they can do to grow the healthiest plants, and get the most nutrients from their vegetable garden. Following will be a Q & A session, so bring your questions and your curiosities. Free and welcome to all!
Workshop: Principles of Biological Systems
When: March 2 & 3, 2019
Where: Cross W Ranch, Howell, MI [map]
This two-day workshop is designed to teach the basic principles and practices of biological farming for higher quality crops – for better taste, pest & disease resilience, and shelf life, plus higher levels of nutrients beneficial to human health. Learn more and register
Workshop: Unlocking Healing with Real Food
When: February 28, 2019 from 7:00-9:00pm
Where: Cross W Ranch, Howell, MI [map]
Join Dan Kittredge for an evening talk where he connects the dots between human health and the way our food is grown in an interactive 2-hour presentation.
You'll learn about the decline in nutrient quality of our food supply since the USDA began keeping records, and the related rise in chronic disease over the same period of time. You'll learn about "root causes" and systemic solutions for the current epidemic of chronic degenerative illness, why human vitality depends on soil vitality, and market- and community-driven strategies for reforming our food system. Learn more and register
International Meeting for a Living Agriculture
When: February 20-24, 2019
Where: Cité Internationale Universitaire – Paris, France
The International Meeting for a Living Agriculture is organized by Ver de Terre Production in collaboration with the association Pour une Agriculture du Vivant. The conference will address the agronomic fundamentals of a living soil, agroecological practices across sectors, in France and abroad, as well as advances in cooking and processing allowing to apply key values of products resulting from across agroecological sectors, from the field to the consumer’s plate. Dan Kittredge will speaking on February 23, under the umbrella topic of "Living Soils as the Basis of a Unique Health: Water, Nutritional Quality, Animal, Plant and Human Health". For more information, visit: https://www.verdeterreprod.fr/international-meeting-2019/
No-Till on the Plains
When: January 31, 2019
Where: Hyatt Regency, 400 W Waterman St, Wichita, KS
Dan Kittredge will be presenting a talk at the annual No-Till on the Plains Conference, during the Agriculture's Innovative Minds Symposium. Titled "Nutrient Density in Food, It's About the Soil", Dan's talk will feature information about the work done at the Bionutrient Food Association to identify farming practices that produce more nutrient dense foods. He will also tell attendees about the analytical work they perform to confirm the on-farm research. He will present information about the new prototype tool, a handheld spectrometer, being developed for consumers to measure nutritional content of food in fields and stores. The long term goal is to use real-time nutritional information to drive more nutritionally dense produce in the food supply. Learn more and register
NOFA-NJ Winter Conference
When: January 26, 2019
Where: Rutgers Douglass Student Center, New Brunswick, NJ [map]
Dan Kittredge will be presenting two workshops at the 2019 Winter Conference hosted by NOFA-NJ:
"Principles to Produce Nutrient Dense Food" - Nutrient Dense crops are the byproducts of well-functioning biological systems. This workshop will cover a number of critical environmental conditions and management practices necessary for the production of these more flavorful, aromatic, nutritious, pest and disease resistant harvests. The foundational paradigm of how plants have evolved to operate in relation to their environments will be covered, along with practical suggestions having to do with seed quality, mineralization, minimal soil disturbance, inoculation, in season monitoring, integrating cover crops, managing for soil aeration and hydration, and intention.
"Defining Food Quality: Tools, Science and Collaboration" - The Bionutrient Food Association has embarked on an open source project to 1) develop a hand-held spectrometer that can be used at point of purchase to test relative nutrient density, 2) populate a database sufficient to define relative nutrient density, and 3) populate a database sufficient to identify causal dynamics in the production of nutrient dense crops. We are partnering with farmers, organizations, companies and universities in this project. Those interested in an update on the progress of this project, or in collaboration will find this workshop valuable. Learn more and register
FREE Introductory Talk: Principles of Biological Systems with Dan Kittredge
When: Sunday, January 13, 2019 from 2-3:30pm
Where: Oakland University, Mathematics and Science Center, 146 Library Dr, Rochester, MI [map]
This presentation emphasizes the importance of bionutrient-rich foods and the exciting frontiers of biological and energetic farming. Scalable from home gardens to large commercial farms, these practices integrate scientific principles in simple, commonsense ways that empower all growers to significantly improve their crops. Explains Dan: "For me, it’s about looking at food and plants in a new way – providing the ideal environment for a plant’s genetic potential to manifest itself.” In addition to enhancing food quality and farm economics, these methods also hold promise to address watershed and climate issues by mitigating farm runoff and reversing carbon emissions. Dan’s intro presentations are offered for free. All are welcome!
Sponsored by Oakland University Department of Biological Sciences, Oakland University Student Organic Farm, and co-sponsored by Oakland County Permaculture Meetup
Note: Room # to be determined. Signs will be posted.
RSVPs are appreciated. To RSVP, or for more information, contact Cliff Scholz at 248 410-1762 / 2greenhands@gmail.com
Advanced Organic Soil Management with Dan Kittredge
A day-long intensive as a part of the Organic Intensives 2019 sponsored by the Michigan Organic Food & Farm Alliance
When: Saturday, January 12, 2019
Where: Plant & Soil Sciences building on the MSU campus in East Lansing, MI [map]
We all manage soil, and we all strive to improve it year by year. But often our efforts amount to a scattershot approach, addressing one aspect in one year, and switching gears the next without evaluating the effectiveness of our interventions, or continuing to monitor the state of the soil or the health of the crop. Soil health is measured multiple ways: fertility testing, mineral testing, biological assays and plant productivity. Understanding how to interpret these results and put them to use to improve soil health and plant health is critical to sustainable success. Dan Kittredge will entertain attendees for the day on soil testing interpretation and strategies to improve, maintain and monitor soil health, with an underlying message of improving food quality. Learn more
FREE Introductory Talk: Principles of Biological Systems with Dan Kittredge
When: Friday, January 11, 2019 from 7-8:30pm
Where: Sunward Co-housing Community Common House, 424 Little Lake Drive, Ann Arbor, MI [map]
This presentation emphasizes the importance of bionutrient-rich foods and the exciting frontiers of biological and energetic farming. Scalable from home gardens to large commercial farms, these practices integrate scientific principles in simple, commonsense ways that empower all growers to significantly improve their crops. Explains Dan: "For me, it’s about looking at food and plants in a new way – providing the ideal environment for a plant’s genetic potential to manifest itself.” In addition to enhancing food quality and farm economics, these methods also hold promise to address watershed and climate issues by mitigating farm runoff and reversing carbon emissions. Dan’s intro presentations are offered for free. All are welcome!
Sponsored by Project Grow and Conscious Cafe
Note: Please park on the street for the event.
RSVPs are appreciated. To RSVP, or for more information, contact Cliff Scholz at 248 410-1762 / 2greenhands@gmail.com
Advanced Workshop in Biological Agriculture with Dan Kittredge
When: January 7-8, 2019
Where: Tullamore, County Offaly, Ireland
Sponsored by National Organic Training Skillnet (NOTS) of Ireland.
The main aim of this course is to discuss how Biological Farming Principles can be applied PRACTICALLY on different farm enterprises. The 2-day course will be led by Dan Kittredge with ground proofing to be done in conjunction with John McHugh (dairy), Clive Bright (grass-fed beef), Jim Cronin, (organic vegetable), and Thomas Fuohy (organic cereal). The workshop is designed to allow maximum interaction on practical application. Key areas to be covered are:
- Overarching Principles of biological systems.
- Soil testing and mineral balancing
- Inoculation and microbiome understanding and management
- Soil cover, organic matter, carbon sequestration, polycultures
- Plant life cycle understanding and points of critical influence
And much more! For more information and to register: https://nots.ie/courses/advanced-workshop-in-biological-agriculture/
When: Tuesday, December 18, 2018 from 6-8 pm
Where: Online at http://bit.ly/got-weeds
GOT WEEDS? Learn how to use your WEEDS to radically improve your SOIL! Discover the TRUTH about why WEEDS grow PLUS how to get rid of them quickly, naturally and for GOOD! Go to http://bit.ly/got-weeds for instant access to free trainings to see how Vail Dixon of Simple Soil Solutions transformed a forest of lambsquarters into healthy productive soil in two years with no mowers, chemicals or any purchased amendments!
Want to go DEEPER & get your questions answered? Join Vail on Tuesday, September 11, 2018 from 6-8 pm (Eastern Time) for a GOT WEEDS? Live Call and Q&A Discussion. Let her show you what has worked to heal land quickly so that you can implement positive change on your land more effectively and efficiently. These principles work on gardens, crop and tree farms, as well as pastures. What is possible for YOU?
Uncover how you can use wastes you already have in different ways to quickly heal your weediest fields – Naturally! Learn how to PREVENT weed germination instead of fighting them once they are dominating. Why not heal the source of the problem instead of fight the symptom? The secret is in the soil!
CLICK HERE for Instant Access to the free GOT WEEDS? trainings. The live calls are held once a month where we get together and people can ask questions. We have a lively discussion group that meets by phone/video Zoom call. We also take questions live and also answer any submitted in advance. If people submit questions at least 30 minutes before the start of the call, they receive a coupon for 20% off any of our programs).
Rhode Island Discussion Group
When: Saturday, December 8, 2018 from 4-5pm
Where: Portsmouth Free Public Library, 2658 E Main Road, Portsmouth, RI
Come join us at our inaugural meeting of the RI Area BFA Discussion Group.
As this is our first meeting, we will focus on introductions, and on deciding the format and direction of future gatherings, which may include potlucks, special topic discussions, book discussions, farm and garden tours, workshops, and will always focus on healthy soils, healthy food, and healthy people.
For more information or to register contact Meredith Spitalnik at merryj@gmail.com
Or on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/BFA.RI/
The 8th Annual Soil & Nutrition Conference
When: Dec 1-2, 2018
Where: Southbridge Hotel & Conference Center, Southbridge, MA [map]
The annual Soil & Nutrition Conference explores how the intersection of farm and human ecosystems holds the key to environmental sustainability, quality food and overall well-being. Bringing together the collective knowledge of the food movement from the perspectives of successful farmers, cutting-edge researchers, enlightening health practitioners, and pioneers of food quality, this conference is a nexus of information and networking for all interested in delving deeper into the connections and importance of soil and nutrition. Learn more
When: Tuesday, November 20, 2018 from 6-8 pm
Where: Online at http://bit.ly/got-weeds
GOT WEEDS? Learn how to use your WEEDS to radically improve your SOIL! Discover the TRUTH about why WEEDS grow PLUS how to get rid of them quickly, naturally and for GOOD! Go to http://bit.ly/got-weeds for instant access to free trainings to see how Vail Dixon of Simple Soil Solutions transformed a forest of lambsquarters into healthy productive soil in two years with no mowers, chemicals or any purchased amendments!
Want to go DEEPER & get your questions answered? Join Vail on Tuesday, September 11, 2018 from 6-8 pm (Eastern Time) for a GOT WEEDS? Live Call and Q&A Discussion. Let her show you what has worked to heal land quickly so that you can implement positive change on your land more effectively and efficiently. These principles work on gardens, crop and tree farms, as well as pastures. What is possible for YOU?
Uncover how you can use wastes you already have in different ways to quickly heal your weediest fields – Naturally! Learn how to PREVENT weed germination instead of fighting them once they are dominating. Why not heal the source of the problem instead of fight the symptom? The secret is in the soil!
CLICK HERE for Instant Access to the free GOT WEEDS? trainings. The live calls are held once a month where we get together and people can ask questions. We have a lively discussion group that meets by phone/video Zoom call. We also take questions live and also answer any submitted in advance. If people submit questions at least 30 minutes before the start of the call, they receive a coupon for 20% off any of our programs).
When: September 11, 2018 from 6-8 pm
Where: Online at http://bit.ly/got-weeds
GOT WEEDS? Learn how to use your WEEDS to radically improve your SOIL! Discover the TRUTH about why WEEDS grow PLUS how to get rid of them quickly, naturally and for GOOD! Go to http://bit.ly/got-weeds for instant access to free trainings to see how Vail Dixon of Simple Soil Solutions transformed a forest of lambsquarters into healthy productive soil in two years with no mowers, chemicals or any purchased amendments!
Want to go DEEPER & get your questions answered? Join Vail on Tuesday, September 11, 2018 from 6-8 pm (Eastern Time) for a GOT WEEDS? Live Call and Q&A Discussion. Let her show you what has worked to heal land quickly so that you can implement positive change on your land more effectively and efficiently. These principles work on gardens, crop and tree farms, as well as pastures. What is possible for YOU?
Uncover how you can use wastes you already have in different ways to quickly heal your weediest fields – Naturally! Learn how to PREVENT weed germination instead of fighting them once they are dominating. Why not heal the source of the problem instead of fight the symptom? The secret is in the soil!
CLICK HERE for Instant Access to the free GOT WEEDS? trainings. The live calls are held once a month where we get together and people can ask questions. We have a lively discussion group that meets by phone/video Zoom call. We also take questions live and also answer any submitted in advance. If people submit questions at least 30 minutes before the start of the call, they receive a coupon for 20% off any of our programs).
Workshop: Growing and Preparing Nutrient-Dense Food for Better Health & Resilient Communities
July 22, 2018 from 9:00 AM - 01:00 PM
Where: Wyatt Run Farm & Ecology Center, Amesville, OH [ map ]
Learn how to grow and prepare the finest bionutrient-rich food from seed, to soil, to serving plate. BFA Southeast Ohio Chapter leader Mark Cohen will take a practical look at an innovative food philosophy for improving health, sequestering carbon, and increasing resiliency. Attendees will learn what crop varieties to focus on, how to develop healthy, mineralized, and biologically active soil, and how to prepare their food with techniques such as nixtamalization and fermentation to maximize potential nutrient availability. This workshop emphasizes community food security, but applies to cash crops as well.
After exploring food production techniques, Mark will conclude with a demonstration of food preparation and a delicious farm lunch featuring crops from the fields viewed throughout the day.
Cost: $40 for OEFFA and/or BFA members, $50 for non-members. Cost includes a locally-sourced lunch.
Registration: https://salsa3.salsalabs.com/o/50235/p/salsa/event/common/public/?event_KEY=96695
Pre-registration is required by July 16. For more information, contact Milo Petruziello at (614) 421-2022 or milo@oeffa.org.
Understanding The Water Cycle for Soil, Climate & Life: Workshop with Walter Jehne
When: May 12, 2018
Where: Immanuel Lutheran Church, Amherst, MA [ map ]
Sponsored by NOFA and Bionutrient Food Association
The regeneration of soil ecosystems (and the plant communities with which they are interdependent) is critical to the sequestration of carbon, the mitigation of climate change and the future of life on earth. But there is a vital part of the story of soil regeneration and global climate mitigation that hasn’t been as well covered as the carbon cycle - and that is the global water cycle. Australian soil microbiologist Walter Jehne spends a lot of his time considering and explaining the role of the water cycle in the regulation of the planet’s heating and cooling processes.
Designed for farmers, land managers, and students of natural resource conservation, environmental science, and sustainable farming and food systems, this program will provide a deep look at the intersection of soil regeneration practices and the restoration of hydrological processes. Participants will gain insight and inspiration toward practices they can apply to their own farms and gardens, as well as a larger context of theory that integrates our knowledge of the water cycle and its role in regulating global temperature with current efforts toward conservation and regeneration of living soils.
In this day-long intensive workshop, this internationally-recognized scientist will take participants back to the beginning of soils and explain the implications of pedogenesis on our contemporary thinking about soil regeneration. He will describe the ways in which soil and plant ecosystems regulate and control the water cycle, and therefore impact energy systems on earth, as heat is embodied, drawn down, or released in phase transformations.
Walter Jehne is an internationally-recognized Australian climate scientist and soil microbiologist and founder of Healthy Soils Australia. Jehne was one of the early researchers on glomalin, myccorrhizal fungi, and root ecology, and has been a leader in the grassroots movement to educate farmers, policymakers, and industry alike on the crucial role of soil ecosystems in global climate change. He has since been working at the national (CSIRO - Australia’s scientific research organization) and international level (UN) to create global change in food systems and climate response.
Learn more and register today
Gathering for Open Ag Technology (GOAT) Conference
When: May 7-9, 2018
Where: Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, NY
Are you passionate about farming or open tech? Do you work to solve real world farming issues with open technologies?
If so, then the GOAT wants you! Apply now to the 2018 Gathering for Open Ag Technology, to be held on May 7-9, 2018 at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY.
Sponsored by the Bionutrient Food Association, the Gathering for Open Ag Technology will bring together the nascent open ag tech community to meet, learn, share, and establish a common vision for creating open technologies for our food system. Learn more about the conference at http://goatech.org/conference/
Increasing Quality in the Food Supply with Dan Kittredge
When: April 25, 2018 @ 6:30
Where: Westminster Public Library, Westminster, MA [ map ]
You Are What You Eat!!
We’ve all heard that – but what does it really mean? To you? Did you know that you grow most of a new body every 6 months – and every part of your body is renewed (including your bones) many times during your lifetime? That renewed body is only as strong as the building blocks used to actually grow it. What you eat really does become who you are and what you will become.
Degenerative diseases are often based on enzyme insufficiency and mineral deficiency…those same diseases that are draining families’, communities’ and countries’ financial and emotional resources.
OK - but now what do you do? You need to understand your food supply – and that’s a BIG topic. Happily, Dan Kittredge, Director of the Bionutrient Food Association can walk you
through just that. Dan has spent his entire adult life working out the backbone of what food quality really means – and even more to the point – how to grow the food supply – plant and animal to the level of health that can support your health (and your family’s).
Join us, as Dan speaks on Increasing Quality in the Food Supply.
For more information on this series, please contact ML Altobelli at altobelliml260@comcast.net and put BYG in the subject line.
Improving Soils and Plant Nutrition: Workshop with Dane Terrill
When: April 21, 2018
Where: Circle Pines Center, Delton, MI [ map ]
The Michigan Bionutrient Food Association Discussion Group is very excited to bring Dane Terrill of Crop Services International to present a day-long soil workshop on Saturday April 21 9:30am – 5:00pm. Learn about:
• Soil Testing & Interpretation
• Mineral Balancing for Nutrition and Soil Structure
• Improving/Maintaining the Soil Food Web
• Stages of Plant Growth and their Nutritional Needs
Whether you are a large or small farmer, home gardener or just getting interested, this workshop will help you improve your soil’s food web while improving the quality and yield of your farms and gardens. This workshop is the first of a series of events being planned by the newly forming Michigan chapter of the BFA. Cost for this day-long workshop, lunch included, is only $75.
Learn more and register today.
How To Produce Nutrient Dense Food
When: April 12-15, 2018
Where: Paicines Ranch, Paicines, CA [map]
This four day workshop is led by Dan Kittredge and Spencer Smith of the Jefferson Center for Holistic Management, and focuses on soil health and the economic feasibility of farming and ranching. Gain an understanding of the current issues with industrial food systems and how farming practices directly impact the nutrients in food and forages produced. Throughout the four days we will explore the tenets of soil health, nutrient density and the relationship between food production practices and human health. Attendees will learn the processes of Holistic Management and work on their own Holistic Context and plans. Learn more and register
Organic Growers School Spring Conference
When: March 9-11, 2018
Where: University of North Carolina, Asheville, NC
The Spring Conference is a one-of-a-kind event that offers regionally specific workshops on organic growing and sustainable living. Our mission is to provide down-to-earth, practical advice while remaining affordable and accessible to anyone who wants to participate. For 25 years, the Spring Conference has brought together environmentally minded folks from 17 states and Canada. Join our celebration for a weekend of learning, networking, and growing.
Dan will be offering workshops on Saturday and Sunday, as well as an all-day workshop on Friday, March 9, titled "Human Health = Soil Health", where he will discuss thriving and diverse gut flora as the key to health. Science is discovering the vast similarities between the gut and root microbial communities. Their capacity for symbiosis and harmony or depletion and disease is all based how we approach them. When the soil is full of life-supporting probiotics, the food grown there is your ally in gut health, nutrient absorption, and immune resilience. When the soil is not healthy it leads to chronic disease and degeneration. In order to invest in our collective health, we need to invest in rebuilding the soil.
Learn more and register
Grazing for Change Conference 2018
When: February 24, 2018
Where: Chico State University Farm Pavilion, Chico, CA [map]
Hosted by the Jefferson Center for Holistic Management and CSU Chico Regenerative Agriculture Initiative
Let's take back our food system! Producers, graziers, innovative agriculturalists: gain valuable knowledge about viable market opportunities and production techniques that are not based on consolidation and commoditization. Dan will be discussing the connection between regenerative farming/grazing practices and nutrient dense food and how to make informed choices about the food we eat. Other featured speakers include Will Harris of White Oak Pastures and Dr. Sina McCullough, Author "Hands Off My Food!" Learn from speaker presentations, a discussion panel and a social hour with refreshments. Network with regional and national producers, and leaders in regenerative agriculture. Enjoy a meal of locally produced meats, grains, vegetables and other products. Learn more and register
NOFA-VT Winter Conference
When: February 17-19, 2018
Where: University of Vermont, Burlington, VT
Dan will be presenting at the NOFA Vermont Winter Conference, a highlight of the winter for farmers, gardeners, homesteaders and enthusiastic eaters. Please join us—and 1,100 of your fellow organic food enthusiasts —for three days of learning, inspiration, good food, great conversation, and community building. Dan will provide an overview of what environmental conditions plants evolved to flourish in and how growers of all sizes can manage their ecosystems to support that result. He will discuss the implications of these principles when implemented broadly. The Bionutrient Institute and its efforts to identify quality and support growers in producing it and consumers in identifying it will also be covered. Learn more and register
FREE Introductory Lecture About Principles of Biological Systems with Dan Kittredge
When: February 9, 2018 at 2:00pm
Where: 75 Laurel St, Hartford, CT [map]
Dan Kittredge will be offering this intro lecture for you to learn more about the importance of bionutrient-rich foods and the exciting form of biological and energetic farming that integrates scientific principles in simple, common sense ways that empower growers to significantly improve their crops. Explains Dan, "For me, it’s about looking at food and plants in a new way – providing the ideal environment for a plant’s genetic potential to manifest itself.” Introductory Lectures are offered free and welcoming to all!
NOFA-NJ Winter Conference
When: January 28, 2018
Where: Rutgers Douglass Student Center, New Brunswick, NJ [map]
Dan Kittredge will be presenting an intensive workshop about the exciting progress of the Bionutrient Meter prototype, a hand-held device that anyone can use to flash a light at food and discern levels of nutrient density, or a farmer can use in the field to determine relative crop quality. It is the goal of the BFA that such a tool made widely-available could be a consumer-driven catalyst to revolutionize the food system. Overtly focusing on nutritive value in crops - flavor, aroma, and their corollaries - could be a high ground around which the larger food movement can coalesce is an idea that Dan will explore in his presentation. But how do we get there? How do we empirically determine quality? And how do we grow it? In short, the health of our soils, and a regenerative, biologically-focused agriculture is the necessary foundation to growing nutrient-rich food, community health and ecological health. Not to be missed! Learn more and register
Introductory Talk with Dan Kittredge
When: Saturday, January 10, 2018, from 6:00-8:00pm
Where: Whallonsburg Grange Hall, 1610 NYS Route 22 Whallonsburg, NY 12936 [map]
The last century of farming practices has taught us that forcing out the most produce possible at any cost has a long term drawback – decrease soil and crop quality. Today, our fruits and vegetables have only a fraction of the nutrients they had even 100 years ago, and without these essential nutrients, our health is inevitably impacted, and chronic illnesses continue to rise… Join Dan Kittredge, Executive Director of BFA, for a discussion about how we can return nutrient-dense food, or food with high levels of bionutrients, to our markets, gardens, and farms. Dan will explore the the inextricable relationships between healthy soil, healthy food, and healthy community.
Introductory Talk with Dan Kittredge
When: Saturday, December 2, 10:00am-12:00pm
Where: Auer Farm, 158 Auerfarm Road, Bloomfield, CT 06002 [map]
The last century of farming practices has taught us that forcing out the most produce possible at any cost has a long term drawback – decrease soil and crop quality. Today, our fruits and vegetables have only a fraction of the nutrients they had even 100 years ago, and without these essential nutrients, our health is inevitably impacted, and chronic illnesses continue to rise… Join Dan Kittredge, Executive Director of BFA, for a discussion about how we can return nutrient-dense food, or food with high levels of bionutrients, to our markets, gardens, and farms. Dan will explore the the inextricable relationships between healthy soil, healthy food, and healthy community.
The 7th Annual Soil & Nutrition Conference
When: Nov 28-30, 2017
Where: Southbridge Hotel & Conference Center, Southbridge, MA [map]
The annual Soil & Nutrition Conference explores how the intersection of farm and human ecosystems holds the key to environmental sustainability, quality food and overall well-being. Bringing together the collective knowledge of the food movement from the perspectives of successful farmers, cutting-edge researchers, enlightening health practitioners, and pioneers of food quality, this conference is a nexus of information and networking for all interested in delving deeper into the connections and importance of soil and nutrition. Learn more
High Bionutrient Production for Small Spaces
When: Saturday, Nov 18, 2017, 9:00am to 3:00pm
Where: Sportsman Tennis Club Farm Site, 950 Blue Hill Avenue, Dorchester, MA [map]
The Urban Farming Institute and NOFA/Mass are co-hosting this event on “High Bionutrient Production in Small Spaces.” Dan Kittredge will explore how the right combination of biological and regenerative farming approaches can steadily improve your crop quality - especially in urban and small garden settings. You will take away from this workshop new skills including:
• Knowing how to detect and understand the unique advantages and limitations of your soil and your crops.
• Understanding the important interactions between your plants, soil and air, and how attending to your soil health improves them all.
• How to grow better quality food in a climate-smart fashion.
Learn more and signup
Introductory Talk with Dan Kittredge
When: Wednesday, November 8, 6:00-8:00pm
Where: Schultz Family Farm, 10880 Oxford Rd, Longmont, CO [map]
The last century of farming practices has taught us that forcing out the most produce possible at any cost has a long term drawback – decrease soil and crop quality. Today, our fruits and vegetables have only a fraction of the nutrients they had even 100 years ago, and without these essential nutrients, our health is inevitably impacted, and chronic illnesses continue to rise… Join Dan Kittredge, Executive Director of BFA, for a discussion about how we can return nutrient-dense food, or food with high levels of bionutrients, to our markets, gardens, and farms. Dan will explore the the inextricable relationships between healthy soil, healthy food, and healthy community. Meetup info here.
Impact Conference: Building Sustainable Landscapes
When: October 17, 2017
Where: Chicago Botanic Garden, 1000 Lake Cook Rd, Glencoe, IL [map]
Dan Kittredge will be presenting on the "Principles of Biological Systems and Implications" at the inaugural Impact Conference. Hosted by the Illinois Landscape Contractors Association, the conference will feature nationally known experts who will serve up some of the newest ideas in sustainable landscape services, and how using the building blocks that nature provided - soil, water and plants - can create vigorous, low maintenance landscapes that are safer for people and the planet.
Introductory Talk with Dan Kittredge
When: Monday, October 16, 6:30-8:00pm
Where: Christy Webber Farm & Garden, 2834 W. Grand Ave, Chicago, IL [map]
The last century of farming practices has taught us that forcing out the most produce possible at any cost has a long term drawback – decrease soil and crop quality. Today, our fruits and vegetables have only a fraction of the nutrients they had even 100 years ago, and without these essential nutrients, our health is inevitably impacted, and
chronic illnesses continue to rise… Join Dan Kittredge, Executive Director of BFA, for a discussion about how we can return nutrient-dense food, or food with high levels of bionutrients, to our markets, gardens, and farms. Dan will explore the the inextricable relationships between healthy soil, healthy food, and healthy community. To register, please RSVP to: bfachicagochapter@gmail.com.
Living Soils Symposium
When: October 13-15, 2017
Where: Concordia University, Montreal, Canada [map]
Dan Kittredge will be speaking on Friday at the Living Soils Symposium, an important nexus in bringing together scientists, academics, food producers, students, government delegates, NGOs, activists, entrepreneurs and consumers, to discuss the crucial role of living soils in addressing some of the world's most pressing environmental and social justice issues, such as climate change, food security, water scarcity, biodiversity loss, and public health.
High Bionutrient Crop Production – Principles & Practices of Biological Management
When: May 6, 2017
Where: Duke Farms Foundation, Hillsborough, NJ [map]
This is a condensed, one-day workshop designed to teach the basic principles and practices of biological farming for higher quality crops – for better taste, pest & disease resilience, and shelf life, plus higher levels of nutrients beneficial to human health. Learn more and register
High Bionutrient Crop Production – Principles & Practices of Biological Management
When: April 8 & 9, 2017
Where: Living Web Farms, Mills River, NC [map]
This two-day workshop is designed to teach the basic principles and practices of biological farming for higher quality crops – for better taste, pest & disease resilience, and shelf life, plus higher levels of nutrients beneficial to human health. Learn more and register
High Bionutrient Crop Production – Principles & Practices of Biological Management
When: April 4 & 5, 2017
Where: Yokayo Ranch, Ukiah, CA [map]
This two-day workshop is designed to teach the basic principles and practices of biological farming for higher quality crops – for better taste, pest & disease resilience, and shelf life, plus higher levels of nutrients beneficial to human health. Learn more and register
Nutritionally-Dense Orcharding with Master Orchardist Michael Phillips
When: April 1, 2017
Where: Morning workshop: Rockfall, CT; Afternoon orchard tour: Meriden, CT
Come learn the nutritional side of holistic orcharding through the lens of healthy plant metabolism with Michael Phillips. Join us for this introduction to a whole-system based approach for producing nutritionally dense fruits and berries by this nationally recognized guru of holistic orchard management. Don't wait to place your reservations, as seating capacity is limited! Learn more...
High Bionutrient Crop Production – Principles & Practices of Biological Management [Day 2]
When: February 12 & March 19, 2017
Where: Westchester Land Trust at Bedford Hills, NY [map]
This two-day workshop is designed to teach the basic principles and practices of biological farming for higher quality crops – for better taste, pest & disease resilience, and shelf life, plus higher levels of nutrients beneficial to human health. Learn more and register
High Bionutrient Crop Production – Principles & Practices of Biological Management [Day 2]
When: January 7 & March 18, 2017
Where: City Hall, Memorial Room, Montpelier, VT [map]
(Day 2) This two-day workshop is designed to teach the basic principles and practices of biological farming for higher quality crops – for better taste, pest & disease resilience, and shelf life, plus higher levels of nutrients beneficial to human health. Learn more and register
Increasing Quality in the Food Supply - Introductory Lectures About Bionutrient Food
When: March 16, 2017 at 6:00pm
Where: New Harmony Farm, Newburyport, MA [map]
In anticipation of our upcoming High Bionutrient Crop Production workshop series, Dan Kittredge will be offering introductory lectures for you to learn more about the importance of bionutrient-rich foods and the exciting form of biological and energetic farming that integrates scientific principles in simple, common sense ways that empower growers to significantly improve their crops.
Note: All Introductory Lectures are offered FREE and welcoming to all!
Increasing Quality in the Food Supply - Introductory Lectures About Bionutrient Food
When: March 14, 2017 at 7:30pm
Where: Whallonsburg Grange Hall, 1610 NYS Route 22, Whallonsburg, NY [map]
In anticipation of our upcoming High Bionutrient Crop Production workshop series, Dan Kittredge will be offering introductory lectures for you to learn more about the importance of bionutrient-rich foods and the exciting form of biological and energetic farming that integrates scientific principles in simple, common sense ways that empower growers to significantly improve their crops.
Note: All Introductory Lectures are offered FREE and welcoming to all!
Organic Growers School Spring Conference
When: March 11-14, 2017
Where: UNCA Campus, Asheville, NC
The Spring Conference offers practical, regionally-appropriate workshops on organic growing, permaculture, homesteading, urban farming, and rural living plus a trade show, seed exchange, silent auction, children’s program, and pre-conference, on-farm events. More than 70 sessions per day in themed tracks including Gardening, Soils, Livestock, Primitive Skills, Permaculture, Herbs, Alternative Energy, Sustainable Forestry, Homesteading, Cooking, Poultry, Farmers I and Farmers II, Mushrooms and Food Resilience. The mission of the Spring Conference is to provide down-to-earth, practical advice on growing and sustainable living, while remaining affordable and accessible to anyone wanting to participate. Learn more
High Bionutrient Crop Production – Principles & Practices of Biological Management
When: March 4 & 5, 2017
Where: Sebastopol, CA at Permaculture Skills Center [map]
This two-day workshop is designed to teach the basic principles and practices of biological farming for higher quality crops – for better taste, pest & disease resilience, and shelf life, plus higher levels of nutrients beneficial to human health. Learn more about our workshops.
Note: Registration for this workshop is being handled by the host organization - Permaculture Skills Center – jump over to their site to register.
High Bionutrient Crop Production – Principles & Practices of Biological Management
When: February 25 & 26, 2017
Where: The Growing Club, Pomona, CA [map]
This two-day workshop is designed to teach the basic principles and practices of biological farming for higher quality crops – for better taste, pest & disease resilience, and shelf life, plus higher levels of nutrients beneficial to human health. Learn more and register
High Bionutrient Crop Production – Principles & Practices of Biological Management
When: February 18 & 19, 2017
Where: CreateSpace, Richmond, VA [map]
This two-day workshop is designed to teach the basic principles and practices of biological farming for higher quality crops – for better taste, pest & disease resilience, and shelf life, plus higher levels of nutrients beneficial to human health. Learn more and register
High Bionutrient Crop Production – Principles & Practices of Biological Management [Day 1]
When: February 12 & March 19, 2017
Where: Westchester Land Trust at Bedford Hills, NY [map]
This two-day workshop is designed to teach the basic principles and practices of biological farming for higher quality crops – for better taste, pest & disease resilience, and shelf life, plus higher levels of nutrients beneficial to human health. Learn more and register
OEFFA Conference 2017
When: February 9-11, 2017
Where: Dayton Convention Center, Dayton, Oh [map]
OEFFA Conference is Ohio’s largest sustainable agriculture conference. Learn more
High Bionutrient Crop Production – Principles & Practices of Biological Management
When: February 5 & 6, 2017
Where: The Net House (211 Front Street), Lewes, DE [map]
This two-day workshop is designed to teach the basic principles and practices of biological farming for higher quality crops – for better taste, pest & disease resilience, and shelf life, plus higher levels of nutrients beneficial to human health. Learn more and register
PASA's Farming for the Future Conference
When: February 1-4, 2017
Where: State College, PA at the Penn Stater Conference Center & Hotel [map]
Dan will be presenting at PASA as a featured speaker - more details as they are available.
Increasing Quality in the Food Supply - Introductory Lectures About Bionutrient Food
When: January 30, 2017, at 11:30am
Where: Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, 1800 Lakeside Avenue, Richmond, VA [map]
& again, later that evening...
When: January 30, 2017, at 6:30pm
Where: The Beet Cafe (Ellwood Thompson's), 4 N Thompson St, Richmond, VA [map]
In anticipation of our upcoming High Bionutrient Crop Production workshop series, Dan Kittredge will be offering introductory lectures for you to learn more about the importance of bionutrient-rich foods and the exciting form of biological and energetic farming that integrates scientific principles in simple, common sense ways that empower growers to significantly improve their crops.
Note: All Introductory Lectures are offered FREE and welcoming to all!
NOFA-New Jersey Annual Winter Conference
When: January 29, 2017
Where: Brookdale Community College, Lincroft, NJ [map]
Conference runs January 28-29; Dan will be speaking on Sun, Jan 29, from 1:30-5:00pm
Dan will be presenting two workshops back-to-back, "Principles of Biological Systems, Part I & II", at this year's NOFA-NJ Winter Conference, addressing the question: What are the things that we can do, that we control, to increase the genetic potential of our crops, yield, flavor, nutritional content, while in the midst of significant climatic events, such as droughts, extreme weather, and the like? The goal is improving quality, where some of the side benefits are increased yield, building of organic matter, carbon sequestration, and more. Discussion will include Limiting factors to genetic potential, Soil testing and Mineral balancing, Inoculation, Nutritional drenches and Foliar sprays, Seed, Potting Soil, Tillage, Tools for in-field monitoring, Cover Crops, Visual Plant Parameters, and more from the Q&A session. There will be time to answer your questions, while also connecting the dots between soil health, plant health, and human health. Learn more
NOFA/NH Annual Winter Conference
When: January 28, 2017
Where: Rundlett Middle School, Concord, NH [map]
Additional details of Dan's presentation coming soon.
New Mexico: Introductory Lecture on Principles & Practices of Biological Systems
In anticipation of upcoming High Bionutrient Crop Production workshop series, Dan Kittredge will be in New Mexico on January 23 & 24, offering intro lectures for you to learn more about the importance of bionutrient-rich foods and the exciting form of biological and energetic farming that integrates scientific principles in simple, common sense ways that empower growers to significantly improve their crops. Explains Dan, "For me, it’s about looking at food and plants in a new way – providing the ideal environment for a plant’s genetic potential to manifest itself.”
Note: All Introductory Lectures are offered FREE and welcoming to all!
Introductory Lecture on Principles & Practices of Biological Systems
When: January 24, 2017, from 12–2pm
Where: Hosted by Santa Fe Community College Greenhouse Management – 6401 Richards Ave., Santa Fe, NM
Boardroom #223 - Bring Your Lunch! [map]
Introductory Lecture on Principles & Practices of Biological Systems
When: January 24, 2017, from 6–8pm
Where: Hosted by La Plazita Institute & Certified Organic Gardens, 831 Isleta Blvd SW, Albuquerque, NM [map]
Local Area Contact for the above NM talks: Claire D'Gaia, 907-738-5333, in Taos, NM
Introductory Lecture on Principles & Practices of Biological Systems
When: January 23, 2017, from 6–8pm
Where: Hosted by Taos Initiative for Life Together (TILT), 215 La Posta Rd, Taos, NM [map]
NOFA/Mass Annual Winter Conference
When: January 14, 2017
Where: Worcester State University, Worcester, MA [map]
This workshop will provide participants with an overview of the principles and practices of biological farming. We’ll review the basics of soil biology, the benefits of biological soil management, soil testing and interpretation, balancing macro and trace minerals, step-by-step calculation of important soil amendments, and conclude with a Q & A.
Increasing Quality in the Food Supply - Introductory Lecture About Bionutrient Food
When: January 12, 2017 at 2pm
Where: Cool Breeze Farm in Mount Sidney, VA [map]
In anticipation of our upcoming High Bionutrient Crop Production workshop series, Dan Kittredge will be offering introductory lectures for you to learn more about the importance of bionutrient-rich foods and the exciting form of biological and energetic farming that integrates scientific principles in simple, common sense ways that empower growers to significantly improve their crops. Explains Dan, "For me, it's about looking at food and plants in a new way – providing the ideal environment for a plant's genetic potential to manifest itself.”
Note: All Introductory Lectures are offered FREE and welcoming to all!
Virginia Biological Farming Conference
When: January 10-11, 2017, from 6-8pm
Where: The Homestead, Hot Springs, VA [map]
The Virginia Biological Farming Conference is Virginia’s premier gathering of organic farmers, gardeners and supporters. Whether you’re an experienced grower or just starting out, you’ll find plenty to interest you. With practical learning and insights from over 30 speakers, an exhibit hall packed with useful tools and services, delicious locally-sourced meals, and the very best in networking: the 18th annual Virginia Biological Farming Conference is a not-to-be-missed event! Learn more
High Bionutrient Crop Production – Principles & Practices of Biological Management [Day 1]
When: January 7 & March 18, 2017
Where: City Hall, Memorial Room, Montpelier, VT [map]
This two-day workshop is designed to teach the basic principles and practices of biological farming for higher quality crops – for better taste, pest & disease resilience, and shelf life, plus higher levels of nutrients beneficial to human health. Learn more and register
Increasing Quality in the Food Supply - Introductory Lectures About Bionutrient Food
When: January 5, 2017, from 6-8pm
Where: The Net House, 211 Front Street, Lewes, DE [map]
In anticipation of our upcoming High Bionutrient Crop Production workshop series, Dan Kittredge will be offering introductory lectures for you to learn more about the importance of bionutrient-rich foods and the exciting form of biological and energetic farming that integrates scientific principles in simple, common sense ways that empower growers to significantly improve their crops. Explains Dan, "For me, it's about looking at food and plants in a new way – providing the ideal environment for a plant's genetic potential to manifest itself.”
Note: All Introductory Lectures are offered FREE and welcoming to all!