Reviews: Philip A. Wheeler & Ronald B. Ward

The Non-Toxic Farming Handbook

Philip A. Wheeler & Ronald B. Ward

Non-Toxic Farming HandbookThe foreward to The Non-Toxic Farming Handbook was written by Charles Walters, the executive editor of Acres USA and by now it will come as no surprise that he quotes Professor Philip Callahan who said, "No method of insect control will ever work as long as poisoned crops outgas ethanol and ammonia in small parts per million. Those two powerful fermentation chemicals are the mark of a dying, decaying plant and serve as attractants to all plant-eating insects."  Walters also says that for years amateur agronomists taught others to be good amateurs, but with the knowledge in this Handbook, that has been rectified.  Wheeler and Ward credit Philip Callahan, T. Galen Hieronymus and most especially, Carey Reams, with work that allowed this book to be written.

Not only is the work of Carey Reams monumental, but the man himself is extraordinary. While serving in the Philippines in WWII an auto accident left his pelvis crushed, his eye gone, jaw broken and teeth destroyed, his neck broken and his back broken in two places. After 40 surgeries he was told to go to the VA hospital to die. Instead he attended a service by Kathryn Khulman, a faith healer. Reams threw away his crutches, walked out unaided, and did not die. What he did was go on to revolutionize agriculture introducing the world to his unique urine and saliva tests, the concept of animal and plant growth resulting from energy, not just food/fertilizer, the importance of calcium in feed and in soil, the use of the refractometer and brix levels to determine plant health, and new understanding of growth and fruiting in plants.